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We care about your privacy

We take security very seriously at Lumi. That's why we've implemented comprehensive security measures to ensure your data is safe and secure. We are always happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have. Feel free to contact your account manager directly or drop us a line at

How we protect your data

  1. Secure Collection of Information
    When you share your information with us, you can trust that it's being transmitted securely. We use a secure link to collect all your data, ensuring it remains confidential and protected from potential threats.
  2. Data Encryption
    To further safeguard your information, all the data you provide to us is encrypted, meaning that even if someone were to intercept the data, they would be unable to open it or use it.
  3. Limited Access and Strict Access Controls
    Access to your data is restricted to only those employees who require it to serve you better. We have stringent access controls in place that we review regularly to guarantee that your information stays secure.

What you can do

  1. Be Cautious of Suspicious Emails
    Keep an eye out for emails that may not be genuinely from us. We will never ask for your password or sensitive information via email. If you're ever unsure about an email's authenticity, contact us to verify.
  2. Verify Payment Information
    We issue all payout letters through your secure customer portal. If you ever need to confirm the validity of a payout letter or payment details, please don't hesitate to call us on 1300 005 864.
  3. Maintain Good Password Hygiene
    To help keep your account secure, it's crucial to practice good password hygiene. Create strong, unique passwords and update them regularly. Remember never to share your password with anyone. Check out Creating Strong Passphrases | for some helpful tips.

Reporting an incident

Your security is our priority, and we're always here to help you maintain the highest level of protection of your valuable information. If you ever notice suspicious activity on your account or suspect a security breach, please contact us immediately via phone on 1300 005 864, via your account manager or email us at

Our Security Program